Deep fried chicken wings in sticky bbq sauce!!!

deep fried chicken wings in sticky bbq sauce

I had couple of leftover chicken wings in my freezer and decided to make a quick and easy chicken wings recipe to share with you guys.

This particular recipe is great because every you need is in your pantry or cabinet, trust me it is really forgiving you can also substitute a lot of the ingredients if you don’t have wants on the list below. All I did was to look in my fridge and cabinet to see what ingredients I had and bam! Here we are with this juicy fried chicken wings and delicious sauce. Trust me its yumminess cannot be overemphasized and when you do try it, be sure to leave a comment.
P.S please ignore the quality of the pictures, getting a new camera coming soon.

You will need
Vinegar, BBQ Sauce, Soy sauce, Worcestershire, Broth etc
Chicken wings
2 TBSP Vinegar
3 TBSP bbq sauce
Soy sauce
Tabasco Sauce
2 TBSP Worcestershire Sauce
1 tsp Garlic/Ginger Paste
1 Tbsp Corn Flour
1/3 cup Chicken broth
2 TBSP Sugar
Canola Oil (for frying)


1.       Clean chicken wings.
2.       Using a sharp knife cut the chicken wings into three sections, which are drumette, middle and the tip. You will be need only the drumette and the middle, but don’t throw the tip away it can be used later to make some broth/stock.
3.       Put wings in a bowl add some soy sauce and set aside for 20mins. Pat the wings dry with some paper towel.(below)
after add soy sauce
Pat fry with paper towels to look like this

4.       Heat oil and fry the wings until brown.

After Deep Frying

5.       In a bowl mix all ingredients (Vinegar, soy sauce, Tabasco, bbq Sauce garlic/ginger paste, sugar and chicken broth).
Simmering Mixture

6.       Heat sauce pan and add in the mixture, allowing it to cook for about 5-7mins.

7.       Mix corn flour in water and add to the sauce, keep stirring and when it has thickened add chicken wings and stir for about 2mins.

8.       Serve with Sweet Chilli Sauce.

Served With carrot and celery sticks and some sweet chilli sauce
9.       Bon Apetit.


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